Pass Me My Passport!
Among the hundreds of holiday jobs, part time and graduate jobs StudentJob has to offer all year round, we also have some of the best international internships going. When we say an internship abroad can change your life, we really mean it. Internships come in all shapes and sizes and now the view from your office or sofa can be a lot different to the standard doom and gloom the British weather likes to supply us with...Whether you have 3 months over summer or one year to travel or work in industry why not look into an international internship? 2012 can be one of your most memorable years yet!. StudentJob have a huge variety of part time jobs, paid placements and internships across the world...
Putting it into perspective, for many during or finishing university means to simply seeking employment . But not for everybody. Many students have chosen to travel therefore discovering the real world by going global alongside earning, learning and living life with new experiences when they venture out into the world. Whatever you fancy doing this year, StudentJob offer everything from working in Summer Camps in America to Hospitality Staff in some of the exotic holiday resorts going.
Pushing your boundaries is all part of the excitement., not to forget that all of this will be enhance your career prospects through the whole experience and creating new contacts. Who knows who you might meet? Or where you might travel to next?
Whichever stage you are at in your career whether you are looking for a career experience, change or break, exploring the world can create new perspectives a new plan for your future both professionally and personally.
Yes internships abroad can seem daunting, riding solo with new responsibilities and living in a new place, however the bigger your stepping stones, the better your experience can be. Remember - Nothing ventured, nothing gained. StudentJob has partnered with some of the best companies across the world, to ensure only the best and dependable opportunities are available for our candidates.
Destination Unknown
Don’t know where to go? Begin looking into making 2012 unforgettable and begin to plan your adventure now by visiting to see the variety of opportunities we have, covering everywhere from Amsterdam to Australia, Brazil to Beijing, Germany to Greece, and many, many more!. Start to discover what is available by visiting
Exploring the world in 2012. Now that sounds like a good plan.
5 Steps to Going Global with StudentJob
1 - Register at
2 - Look through our global vacancies
3 - Apply to vacancy with 1 click
4 - Wait for a response from the company
5 -Find your passport!
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For more information please contact Rebecca Twohey
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