Saturday, 8 October 2011

October 2011 round-up

The last few months have been our busiest yet here at theBookPond HQ. After our appearance on the BBC's Click! programme (did you hear about that, did we tell you?) we have had loads more books put on the site in all areas of the UK, and lots of new registered users from all parts of the world. This came after a feature on back in February so we were very pleased when the BBC gave us some airtime too. We have had interest both from inside and outside the UK, and are looking forward to some exciting developments in the next few weeks. We would like to say a big hello to all our new users, especially those who have joined us since our unexpected and most welcome TV appearance in July.

Since July, we have had several media requests and made appearances on Manchester's PureRadio, and The University of Lincoln's Siren FM. Thank you to the production crews for letting us pollute the airways in their name.

Joanne has been very busy with her new additions to her family, as well as finishing off her masters degree and attending the odd conference or two. She is keeping abreast of all the latest student news for you, and trying very hard not to break the website while Graeme is away.

Graeme has been working in India for a voluntary organisation who aid development by deploying skilled engineers. We welcome him back to the sunny UK very soon. Preferably before Joanne breaks the site good and proper.

Coming this term are some site improvements. We will be breaking theBookPond down so that each university town has it's own online area, complete with interactivity and content written especially. This will take some time to get all the areas finished, but users should be able to see the first of the new pages this term. Otherwise, we will be plugging on with getting more users on board to get those textbooks sold quicker.

Don't forget you can keep abreast of all the news and goings on by subscribing by email to this blog. In the meantime, stay with us, recommend us to your friends, spread the word and help get everyone's textbooks turned into cash. Laters.

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