Here at theBookPond we fully understand how some of you are feeling about your upcoming first ever term at University. We have been there ourselves and know that starting uni can be scary, exciting, and at times, over-whelming. Especially so for those who starting university also means moving away from home for the very first time. But you needn't fear - plenty of people before you have done it too, and survived to speak of the experience, so it really can't be that bad.
So what can you expect from your first few weeks at university?
The first few days involve moving into your accommodation and meeting other students just like you. The good thing about this process is that you are all in the same boat, and can provide mutual support to get you all through any jitters. The bad thing is that you are going to end up living with at least one person who you don't like and won't get on with. D'oh! However, this is normal and an inevitable part of shared student accommodation. If it's any consolation, you will probably get to choose who you live with next year, but to do that you have to get to know some people first. Our advice to you is if you really don't like anyone you live with, either try to get to know them better, or just avoid them. The year will soon pass, and you probably won't be home enough to worry about it anyway.
Next you need to attend the freshers social events. Go to the freshers' fair, grab all your freebies, and join up to a society or two. Choose to join a society you might actually go to though, or it's pretty pointless. Join the one with the best cake on their stall. Avoid those who bring no cake at all. Biscuits are perfectly acceptable, as long as they have chocolate on them somewhere.
Your first academic week will involve meeting your classmates and tutors, and working out your timetable. This is the time to bring up any problems, such as potential clashes and whether you are actually signed up to the correct modules. This week is always a bit fraught and it's not unusual for things to change quickly from one day to the next. It's like this for everyone, and will soon be over. Make sure you know how to access your university emails and online notice-board system so you can keep up with things. If you have any problems at all, contact the student admin in your home department as soon as you can.
The next week will probably be the start of lessons proper. DO NOT miss your first lecture for each module. You will receive a summary of that module for the coming term, and probably get a module handbook, which will contain the details on how you will be assessed. You will also get your reading list and need to look into getting your books soon. By this time, you should've also gotten your university card which will give you access to the library and other facilities. If not, find out how you get it.
Along the way, you will meet various people - tutors, staff, other students, and housemates. Some of them will come and go, others will be friends for life, maybe a future spouse, or a future ex-spouse! Meet as many people as possible, enjoy this time even if it seems a little scary. You may not get this time back again.
Being at university can be confusing and scary for many. If you feel this way, you are not unusual. Talk to others and you will find they feel exactly the same as you. If things get too much though, and sometimes they can, please sit it out for few more weeks. Things change quickly in the first term, and soon you will find friends, get into the swing of lectures, of going to the library and to more interesting places. At Christmas you will look back and wonder what all the worry was about.
It's a strange time for you, but one you will remember for the rest of your lives. All the best wishes to all new students.
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