Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Popping the blogging cherry.

I have decided to create this blog to keep you informed of developments on the often fragmented and slightly disturbed planet of theBookPond.com. Our site launched in October 2009 after a few delays and set backs but we are now firmly on the map for students buying and selling used textbooks in the UK. I'd like to thank all those students and graduates who have already registered with us and supported us through our launch period.It would be good to hear from as many of you as possible, we want your success stories as well as any problems you have come across while using the site.

We send out regular email bulletins to our registered users and are due to do another one soon. If you want us to feature anything in these which may be of interest to our users, then get in touch. You can contact us through the contact email address posted on theBookPond.com website.

So what have we been up to? Well, we have been slowly contacting the right people in universities across the UK and have already got a few more users. Universities like our site and are working with us to get the site publicised to their students.Our new publicity campaign is due - look out for the leaflets and posters through your door or round campus. A 6' duck may also be around your campus handing out freebies very soon. If you see him, come and say hello.

We have also been talking to some sponsors for our site who like the idea and the look of it - we kind of agree with them on this one. We hope that having sponsorship will ensure that the site remains free to use for everybody for as long as possible. We are attracting attention from people who want to create a good impression with the graduates of tomorrow, especially the savvy ones like our users. Good-o!

So, what can I say, get using the site as we are moving up the search rankings, and the more books are on the site the more useful it becomes and the further we move up. It's like a big circle of life, or something like that.

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