Monday, 2 July 2012

Essay writing services - your view.

I have recently noticed an increase in internet sites selling 'essay writing services'. These range from proof-reading services, all the way through to writing the entire essay for you. I am pondering their usefulness, having never used them myself, or known anyone that has. They must get customers, and enough for more than one company to exist. It's puzzling me.

One concern I have with these services is how they know what material you have covered in the lectures, or the favourite books of the module lecturers and tutors. Two essays on 'The Works of Tennyson' would probably be quite different in different universities and with different academic staff. It's not like universities follow some sort of common curriculum like schools do. By the time you've given them your notes, reading lists and points to cover, you're halfway to producing the essay yourself anyway.

Another concern is that, especially if you were to use them for only a few essays, that style would vary between your submitted works. If you get the same lecturer for more than one module, a good academic can spot variations in work, especially if you submit an amazing one not long after a poor one. Inconsistency rings alarm bells.

Also, I think I would be too anxious. What if I order an essay and it doesn't come in time? It might not leave enough time for writing a decent essay. I don't think I could cope with that amount of uncertainty. 

But my biggest problem with essay writing services is this - the whole point of university is to learn - learn how to write, how to present arguments, how to read effectively, how to manage your time, and how to prioritise. If you can't do this well enough to meet deadlines for set coursework, then you are probably better off learning study skills from your own university's study support services. Read our tips for meeting deadlines

Assuming that you are doing a degree to help you get a job, is it really good practice to get into the habit of paying others to do your work for you?

Honestly, if you are struggling, please get help - from your tutors, from other students, from anyone who understands what you are trying to do. Please.

Have you or anyone you know used an essay writing service? Would you recommend them to other students?

Written by Joanne Brady
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